The Asher Bed Frame: The Spirit Of Your Original Bedroom

Neutral colors have wonderful advantages that are always worth bearing in mind to never forget all the possibilities that these tones offer, how versatile they are and how good they look when combined with pieces such as the Asher bed frame, a design that stands out for its amazing solid wood frame. In fact, neutral tones are compatible with practically any platform bed frame you choose for your bedroom.

Sometimes, interspersing white or very light-colored walls with walls of a darker accent color can be the perfect way to create an ideal color environment for your wood bed frame. It’s amazing what a coat of paint is capable of achieving in both a visual and functional sense since, in addition to improving visual contrast, it can help regulate the amount of natural lighting.

If you have less minimalist and more sophisticated tastes, an excellent resource is colored vinyl papers. There are many different models of these decorative materials that can be the perfect companion for your modern bed frame, and they can also become the most outstanding seal of the originality and personality of your bedroom.

For example, some very discreet and delicate decorative acrylics with flower and leaf shapes add a charming touch to the environment, a concept inspired by natural motifs.

In the end, regardless of the mid-century bed frame you may prefer, the most important thing is that your bedroom becomes your temple of peace and your personal refuge of repair from which you can face each new day with optimism and renewed energy.
